And yes, it's another DIY spectacular success for Topsy, the new accelerator pedal is on, and it works! It's always good when something newly fitted looks as though it should work, and actually does - maybe as time goes on with this project I'll get more confident in the technology and my ability?!
So, jobs I've done so far
Two cab door weather shield/seals installed
Most of the exterior light seals replaced
The sliding door lock removed, parts replaced, rebuilt
The gas stove installed (only till the new cupboards go in, then it'll have to be re-installed)
One sun visor recovered
Brakes replaced by garage
Seat belts installed by garage
Gas pedal
Various other bits of tinkering, like a spare set of keys!
Hmmmm, it's not much, at this rate she won't be completed by spring (mind you, I don't think Topsy will ever be finished - there's always another little job to do!)