Well, still no photo's as I'm just far too lazy to take them! Though actually it's because every time I stop work on her it's too dark to take any, but work IS progressing!
Since the last update poor old Topsy has had her points plugs and leads changed, her exhaust slightly welded and gaskets changed, and had a lovely tune up (thanks to Ray and friends!). She now runs sweeter than she ever has (since I've had her) and is a damn lot quieter too...
She's also had some more 'Doctor Mel' treatment with a couple of other patches welded, thanks Mel!!
She's also had some electrical things added,the radio works now so no more lonely journeys... she now has 240 mains hook-up for campsites (yay, the girls can take hairdryers!), and she almost has the leisure battery installed, and the inverter, so we can charge phones and light her up when we go 'wild camping', well, we can when the lights go in! So a big thanks to Sean for the work done, and a big thanks in anticipation for work to be done!!
Internally though there has been leaps and bound, all door cards and kick boards have been replaced and upholstered (by me), the new rear seats now have cupboards underneath (they look fab (I have to say that as I built them!)), the main cupboard for the stove is in (again, built by me!) and the new sparkly black floor is in (yep, that was me too!), and the new overhead locker is half built (yip - me!), so only the rest of the interior trim to do, plus a few lights.
Photo's will be added ... later!
(and here's a little sorry for me neighbours who have to put up with the constant drilling sawing and general crashing and banging noises, she'll be somewhere near half finished soon-ish maybe!)