

This post is to thank the marvellous R.A.C guy - unfortunately I forgot to ask his name - who came to my rescue this bank holiday Sunday and got into my van so I could get my keys out, yes, like the stupid idiotic numpty fool I am, I'd locked the chuffing keys in Topsy... Oh it was bad - I was enjoying the sunshine doing bits n bobs to Topsy, I went in the house for a cuppa, and with the worst sudden nauseating feeling I've ever experienced, I realised the van was secure and I couldn't get back in it... I'm sure anyone who has done this will understand the sickening sensation as all options a thought of then discounted, I couldn't even bring meself to tell the next door neighbours what had happened, I just didn't think I'd be able to take any of the usual advice people give in dire situations like this! SO, after about half hour silent panic, I started texting folk that might be able to help (thanks to everyone who got back in touch - it was nice to know I wasn't alone!), and then it occurred to me that even though it might cost a bit, the R.A.C might be able to help, I mean, why else would I pay 70 odd quid a year?! Well, it seams the R.A.C could help, and it didn't cost a penny as apparently 70 odd quid a year covers the cost of a lovely guy spending a bank holiday Sunday rescuing me from the brink of despair! With bizarre magical equipment, from things that inflate and should be in a doctors surgery, to the more usual piece of wire (you know where you are with a piece of wire, though there was no half tennis ball) this lovely guy, with some help (or hindrance) from Dave next door (I'm afraid I did shout at Dave once or twice to move away from the van and let the brilliant professional do his job), eventually got the window down and magically opened the door... Oh what a chuffing relief that was! On Tuesday I think I'll get some new keys cut, emergency keys, and I'll also be telling everyone I know to join the R.A.C - even if they don't have a car, the reassurance it gives me when we're travelling has been worth the membership fee, but locksmith skills on a bank holiday Sunday are the icing on the biscuit! Anyway, the panic is now over, the nausea is subsiding, and the keys are not in Topsy but firmly in my pocket, and although the R.A.C man was exceedingly helpful, I hope to never require his breaking and entering skills again!! So, if you're reading this, Mr nice R.A.C man, 'Thank you very much', from one extremely grateful fool, but I'm glad I wasn't the camper with a 'goosed' engine (yet!)....

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